S o m a t i c C e n t e r ::: 3 Session Integration Package
S o m a t i c C e n t e r ::: 3 Session Integration Package
This is a healing package specifically designed to ground into our body’s Feeling Capacity for Healing [[& Creation🎨🚀]] = our Soma & Energy! We will spend each session in deep reverence for what the body [[+Mind, Spirit, Soul]] is moving through at any given time, with Targeted Practices to integrate Energy.🧬 Energy transmutes to Gold [[Properly☯️Integrates = becomes Available to be Utilized Productively]] when given our Authentic Presence ~ ~ allowing us to move Even Deeper into our Alignment & Natural Wholeness.
Somatic Center is also an Awareness Practice + Depth-Reminder for how it Feels to be in the Center Of Our Destiny [[You Feel This Within Your Body + Spirit Connection]]. This is the Vortex that it all Stems🌱From.🚀
One of the most common Viscerally-Felt Reasons for feeling *Off-Center* [[other than Old Energy that is asking to Move!]] is being temporarily stuck in a pattern of >>>> Waiting For The External To Shift Before We Shift <<<<. When we are in this pattern, we are basically looking out at a projection screen that is reverberating the vibration of Stagnation. [[This can manifest in many different ways]]. The deepest gist is that we don’t feel In-Flow + Moving Forward As Us. When we move back into True Center & remember *Us As The Beginning* - - - - We can always come back to the Next True Step. This shifts our Overall Energy + Everyday Experience of Reality in Profound Ways, that ultimately then builds upon our true Upward Spiral = Authentic Momentum. [[So *Somatic Center* is not ultimately “Static” - - - it is a deeply Practical Energy Practice to begin to Authentically Move As Us]]. 🎇🎁🎇🎁🎇
Sessions :: 60-75 Minutes, via Zoom or Phone [[Your Preference💫]], or In-Person if you Are where I Am!🎁