Clearing The Future for your Authentic Timeline ::: Essence Grounding 101
Clearing The Future for your Authentic Timeline ::: Essence Grounding 101
Clearing the Future! This energy practice is designed to help both authentically envision & also deeply connect to the practical steps of 🎁Opening The Portal🎁 🔥To The Authentic Present🔥 as You. This is at the deepest level, giving your Authentic Timeline Permission to begin to unfold in your physical reality. Authentic metaphysics of Destiny = your Authentic Timeline is the most Innate & True Extension of You. So a large bulk of the *To Do* list is becoming clear on the things we do when we still live in the past &/or “one or two steps away” - timelines. We Are The Ones that give the Full Permission for the Totality Of It.🎁🎁🎁
90 Minute Visioning, Action Planning, & Energy Alchemy + Embodiment Session