Heal Leaky-Energy Power-Session


Heal Leaky-Energy Power-Session


Healing Leaky Energy = Embodied Power [[Innate State]] to Fuel All You Do!


This is especially helpful for those who feel like they have been doing *All The Things* but are still feeling Drained, Out-Of-Alignment, &/or not actually experiencing Results you WANT to Experience! [[a.k.a. a *Result* On-The-Surface but then it’s like Oh Man . . . now I have to DEAL with this!]] [[vs. - - - YES! This is how I wish to Be In The World + This Enhances Now *And* Into~Infinity]]


The Depth-Truths Of Energy =

Some “Results” actually unnecessarily Take-From [[&/or just *Don’t Enhance* - - - you don’t ultimately “Lose” anything but you absolutely can feel temporarily drained!]] [[the Energetic reason is that you actually have to keep altering your Frequency to align to something that isn’t a true frequency match &/or Builder]]

& Others [[From Your Innateness]] Build #ForLife 🚀


90 Minute Power-Session via Zoom or Phone

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