🎇Realms Of Creation🎇

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🎇Realms Of Creation🎇


[[ P r e s a l e ]]

Breaking Down Multidimensionality into the various Realms Of Creation + how they each Uniquely Function 🧬🧬🧬🧬🧬

This info is helpful to understand as we Expand~Into [[Deepen our Awareness Of🤓]] our Multidimensional~Integration Path [[the Soul’s Holistic Journey]] - - - it also helps to focus-in on How Creation Comes Into~Form as you bring various aspects of your Purpose Into the Physical - - - - Especially & If a Deep Aspect of your purpose is to “Bridge Many Realms” @ Once!🤓

>>>> This is also to help exit the 🐹-Wheel of the 4th Dimension [[for lack of better terms ;)]] [[Spinning in Circles, Never Actually Feeling Grounded &/or Satisfied, “Close But Not The Full Cigar”, etc. etc. etc.]] & #GetMissionToTheRoots


#WholeSpiritFocus #WholeSpiritIntegration 🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆

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